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Our Accommodation

The Domaine has four bedrooms, three of which are classified as 3 ears from the Gîtes de France, as well as four lodgings.


The owners of the Domaine wanted to keep the authentic atmosphere that emanates from this unique place , by presenting you with friendly and calm rooms, nestled in the heart of La Clape, between the Sea and the Garrigue.


Possibilité de réserver une formule séjour :

2 nuitées avec petit déjeuner compris + Menu Truffe


Envie d'offrir un séjour à un proche ?Possibilité de faire un bon cadeau...

Femme trinquant

For all reservations and additional information

please contact us on + 33 468 337 282 .


Sarl Entre Mer et Garrigue was created as part of a rural building development project on the site of the locality La Pagèze.

The operation benefits from aid totaling € 88,833.94, financed by:

- the Regional Council for an amount of € 18,317.7,

- the Departmental Council for an amount of € 14,551.49,

- the EAFRD for an amount of € 55,965.38,

with a subsidized expenditure of € 296,113.13 excluding VAT.

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© 2021 de Castells / Modestin from Domaine La Tour La Pagèze.

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